Bored Panda works better on our iPhone app. What do you call a firefighters hat? A: No, because everyone can jump higher than a fire hydrant (fire hydrants cant jump). Bien, gracias. From firefighters putting out fires to firefighters rescuing kittens from trees, these jokes will have you laughing out loud. A: Smokey the Bear always walks off with them. See more ideas about firefighter humor, firefighter quotes, firefighter. Welcome to ChildFunwhere Play and Learning go Hand in Hand, Home Articles General 50 Firefighter Jokes Thatll Sure Spark a Laugh. That way, when I do criticize him, I'm a mile away and I have his shoes. We Didnt Start the Fire. How do you spot a firefighter at a neighborhood barbecue? 92. A crowed watched as the firefighter frantically pumped on the boys chest. Firefighter Joke 16 One day a boy was drowning in a near by lake. "I found the perfect match!" Q: Why are there no picnic baskets at fire stations? Our funny one-liner jokes are short, sweet and make you laugh. What would happen if Franciscan priests became firefighters?Then, they would be fighting fires with the help of friars! How do you get down from an aerial ladder? Because they dont want to get burned twice. Q. Tweet. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Golfer: "I think I'll go drown myself in that lake.". Flames. A fire broke out at a cold-medicine factory on the outskirts of town thankfully, there was no congestion on the way. Connection! What was the movie Firestarter really about? My wife told me to stop impersonating a flamingo. When jokes go too far, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become inappropriate. In the United States, there are approximately 1,216,600 firefighters serving in 27,228 fire departments. Why was the man who worked in a hydrant plant always late at his work?Because one cannot park near the place! He was a real prose before hose kinda guy. Why did the rookie bring his bowling ball to the fire station?He heard there was a strike team. Why was it taking so long for the fire fighters to get to the strawberry farm? After the great fire of London. Whats the most important way to extinguish a fire in your kitchen? Fire. It's simple. What do you call the heroic fireman who was featured on the evening TV news? I dont understand how firefighters can trust a ladder theyre always up to something. Q. A nursery school teacher was delivering a station wagon full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Getting fired from work. 46 Firefighter Pick Up Lines [Funny, Dirty, Cheesy] Fire Hydrant Cartoons and Comics - CartoonStock Pranks, jokes and gags: All in the name of fun - FireRescue1 Funny Firefighter Hydrant T-shirt I'd Tap That Fireman Gift 14+ Hydrant Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud Funny Firefighter Jokes Fireman Jokes, Arson Puns, Fire Fighter Humor How did the firefighter propose to his colleague from the fire department?He said, "You set my heart on fire! Why do fireman take out the people from the building before they put the fire out with water?Because bros before hose. 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Why were the Three Wise Men actually firemen?Because they had come from afire! So that the noise can help to scare away the fire. ~~~ Firefighters: Where your worst nightmare is just another day at the office. Nothing can extinguish my love for you. I went to buy some camo pants but couldn't find any. From firefighters putting out fires to firefighters rescuing kittens from trees, these jokes will have you laughing out loud. Q: What sound do you hear when dragons sneeze? American football is a fascinating sport that keeps spectators on the edge of their seats. In the world of magic, what could you also call a water bender? You can also share the fact that Benjamin Franklin founded the first volunteer fire company in America in 1736 (in Philadelphia, PA). 82.53 % / 355 votes. My Dad used to say "always fight fire with fire", which is probably why he is no longer a firefighter. "I hate those people who knock on your door and tell how you need to be "saved" or you'll "burn" Stupid firefighters". Having 9-11 firefighter in my resume would make it much easier to get jobs. Military personnel share amazing one-liners from drill instructors. Their will to succeed. "The man died. A bar is burning to the ground and a team of firefighters rush in to put out the fire. Q: Which superhero was the fire department always trying to recruit? I became a professional fisherman but discovered that I couldn't live on my net income. Firefighter One Liners Joke Back to: People Jokes : Firefighters Jokes Follow @quickjokes Q. Q: What do firefighters surf with? * We will not publish or share your email address in any way. The fireman invested a lot of money in the new piece of land downtown. Come on, theyre basically real-life heroes, rescuing kittens, helping damsels in distress, and fighting fires, among all the other things they do! El bombero y el barco tienen cascos Thank you for all your submissions. Why would firefighters be great action movie stars?Because they have a lot of expertise in doing their own stunts! Because then he wouldnt have anything to do in the afternoon. Q. I am like a firefighter He is wearing a firemans hat and has the wagon tied to a dog. What should you call a fireman who is very motivated and pumped up?You should call him a fired up man! That's why firefighter humor is a tradition as old as fire . I was taking care of my friend's snake while he was on vacation, but somehow it crawled into our freezer and died. I will give $50,000 to the engine company that brings them out safely!. Why couldn't police notify the family of the murdered baker? I would not breed from this Officer. He ran to the open window and saw a fireman approaching on a long ladder. What is the type of award that one should give a firefighter? If you play with a firefighter you'll end up wet! Q. Because they already see more than enough fire at work. Always borrow money from a pessimist. We had a burning desire to bring them to you because we knew how your face would light up! Rest assured that this matter is discussed in these jokes about firefighters! Noah who? ", "I was telling a joke about a house that burned down to a firefighter the other day. A farmer call the rural fire department one day.He says, Come quick my barns on fire, my barns on fire!The dispatcher says, Calm down. Each time the firefighter pumped more water came out. Why do volunteer firefighters understand the importance of milliseconds?Because that is the amount of time it takes before they tell someone that they are a volunteer firefighter! As short as possible. Firefighters typically respond to emergency calls and use specialized equipment such . ", "Ever walk into a room and completely forget why you were in there? What was the thing that firefighters happen to say when the church caught on fire in the small town?They all said, "Holy Smoke!". The children started discussing the dog's duties. Cheeky Firefighter Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity Cats and ladders What did the restaurant owner say when a firefighter, a rabbi, and a policeman walked into his restaurant?He sighed and realized that his life was a joke! What did the man say when the fireman asked him how to reach his house on fire?He asked them to come to him via the red fire truck! How are firemen and cops similar to each other?Both the groups aspire to be firefighters! Please check link and try again. Because he didn't know the difference between Jose and Hose B. Here are some famous one liner jokes that can easily lift your spirits. Why was the firefighter wearing blue suspenders?Because the red ones were still in the wash! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB. How do you put out a fire? After fighting the fire for over an hour, the chemical company president approached the fire chief and said, All of our secret formulas are in the vault in the center of the plant. He felt so relieved to be saved. 50+ Creative Pancake Puns That Will Make You FLIP! We respect your privacy. These firefighter jokes are popular year round, but especially around Halloween as children like to dress up as a fireman or firewoman. A: Because it was drawn to alight. The main rule of one-liners is in the name: it needs to be about one line. Why do firefighters in Greece make every fire worse?Because they are not supposed to be using water on Greece fires! Q: Why are elephants such good firefighters? Q: Why did the fireman bring a ladder to the restaurant? How do you get down from an aerial ladder?You dont get down from an aerial ladder. Turns out, good players are hard to find. Why was the firefighter wearing blue suspenders? The little girl replied thoughtfully, "You're probably right, but then I wouldn't have a siren. Why was the fireman depressed and sad one day? It's lit. Take away one part of the fire tetrahedron, or the chief. She was shocked. I had to put my foot down. When a call comes in, things get real real fast. When there is a trailer fire, what is the first thing to get off from the fire truck? I sold my vacuum the other day. What was the name of the firefighter who was also a famous soccer coach?His name was Hose Mourinho! Paramedics and EMTs can be staring down a life-or-death situation in the blink of an eye. I studied a long time to become a doctor, but I didn't have any patients. Did you hear about the firefighter whose wife left him? What would happen if Franciscan priests became firefighters? ", "My brother had been trying to climb the ladder at work for years now, and he was still miserable at it. He felt so relieved to be saved.Before climbing out the window he yelled to the fireman,"What should I do? These puns can also be used as funny and witty Instagram captions. A: Just in case the sauce on taco Tuesday was too fiery. When theyve caught fire themselves. In case you find any flaming cows. She asked Johnny if his dad was really a stripper in a gay bar and Johnny said "Absolutely not. 4. "BELL 2 rings and we all slide down the pole. But did he do before dying ?" The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. The two start to hit it off. What do firefighters wear when they go in into burning buildings? 1. Keep your friends amused with these best fire puns that we've gathered for you. ), there definitely are some things that could seem funny about them. What did the fireman say at Thanksgiving dinner? "No silly, they use the dogs to find the fire hydrant!". What starts most household fires? A: He heard that drink refills were on the house. Why did the fireman resign from the department?The job was a bad match. Something like "seeing you leave really blows" but instead have it somehow relate to becoming a firefighter. What did the fireman say to the chairman of the small-town football club, who had asked him to save the cups, when the fire started in the stadium?The firefighter informed him that the fire hadn't spread to the kitchen yet! A: Aquaman. The end of a fire. Knock knock. How do you put out a fire?Take away one part of the fire tetrahedron, or the chief. The cop and firefighter are checking out heaven together. A fire department responds to a fire every 23 seconds throughout the United States according to NFPA. The Fire Chief searched for what causes fires on Google He got about 80,000 matches. They keep going back the next day. Caitlin Brink/USMC. A: Just in case he had to save the day. What gift did the fireman's son get as his Christmas gift? Anyone want to know how many firemen and firefighters' jokes are there?There are zero jokes about firefighters because they are all facts!
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