Sign Up for Sonoma County Cannabis Email Updates, Become a certified small business contractor or supplier, Find certified small business contractors or suppliers, Agriculture, Weights & Measures Department, Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector, Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters, Equal Employment Opportunity / ADA Public Access, Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach, Sonoma County Employee's Retirement Association, Edible Medical Cannabis Manufacturing and Dispensaries- Environmental Health and Safety, Second, review your propertys potential on the, Cottage Indoor or Mixed Light Cultivation, Specialty Indoor or Mixed Light Cultivation, Nursery Indoor or Mixed Light Cultivation. All security plans are kept confidential unless the County is required to disclose the information pursuant to a court order. No. Green Building Program Forms & Checklists The CALGreen applies to all newly constructed buildings as well as additions and certain alterations. %PDF-1.6 % Without permissions, you may not get coverage for work, injuries, or damage inflicted by the project. Residential Building Permit Checklist We're here to help. For help understanding what the permit numbers mean, visit our Permit Numbering Information page. Permit Sonoma's Online Permitting Tool. You want to safely insure the project. The California Land Conservations Act, also known as the Williamson Act, provides for the establishment of Agricultural Preserves and allows property owners to enter into long-term contracts to devote their land to agricultural or open space uses; in exchange, the land owner receives beneficial property tax treatment. Use this Questionnaire toassist in determining when a grading permit is required. Please submit a 2019 CALGreen checklist (BPC-059), including Green Building Acknowledgements, Section 1 - Design Verification completed with the owner and designer's 2022 County of Sonoma. Are you a homeowner in Sonoma County interested in learning more about constructing an Accessory Dwelling Unit on your property? One copy of this checklist must be completed and submitted to the Permit Sonoma along with the Building Permit application. Once a permit has been issued by Permit Sonoma or by the Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures (AWM), complaints from the neighbors will be investigated by Permit Sonoma or AWM. The purpose of the inspection is to respond to a complaint and ensure Sonoma County permitting requirements are met. As part of permitting for cannabis cultivation, the landowner will also need to file an application for a revised Land Conservation Act contract or Land Conservation Plan to identify the new cannabis use and a compliance statement to demonstrate that the land will remain in compliance with the contract restrictions. Can I register to cultivate industrial hemp? Start a New Application. Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal and Recycling. This is a surprising step backwards for PRMD. Check out our extensive upcoming & recorded ADU webinar library, with recorded webinars covering a range of topics including: Financing, permitting, building, designing, real-world homeowner stories, and more -- all in collaboration with local planning and building . Having permissions ensure insurance companies are more likely to provide coverage. Cannabis supply chain use permit application forms and instructions can be found downloaded from the Permit Sonoma webpage located here. Know How to Get A Sonoma County Building Permits. We simplify how contractors and trade professionals get construction-related permits for residential and light commercial projects using our permit expediter service. (Revised 05/18/2018, Reviewed 01/2020), This form is to notify Permit Sonoma of the consultant selected to review building plans under the Third Party Plan Check Process(PDF: 204 kB) (Version 04/20/2022), List of approved consultants for applicants utilizing Third Party Plan Check (TPPC). In such instance, the size of the cultivation area for each cultivation type must be limited to the maximum square footage limits set forth in theCannabis Land Use Table. Separation Criteria (outdoor and mixed light):the property line of the applicants property must be setback 1,000 feet from the nearest property line of a sensitive use (e.g. Permit Sonoma announces cannabis program update scoping meeting, Wet Weather Percolation Groundwater Testing, Permit Sonoma publishes draft environmental report for county housing plan update, Sign Up for Permit Sonoma Latest News Email Updates. Yes, an operator may have 1 acre of cultivation and other cannabis businesses, although these operations may not be permit-able on the same property (refer to theCannabis Land Use Table). Deferred submittals are those portions of a project's design that are not submitted at the time of the Building permit application and are to be submitted to Permit Sonoma within a specified period. Can I get a building or grading permit before my zoning or use permit? You're building new, adding on, or you have a significant construction project. This checklist applies to building permit applications received on or after January 1, 2020 SCOPE: This checklist applies to newly constructed residential buildings including hotels, motels, lodging houses, . Is there a minimum lot size or size limit for nurseries? Are permits limited to local cultivators only? A local building department shall not issue a permit for a public pool or ancillary facility until the plans have been approved by . Incomplete applications will not be accepted and will be returned. Am I required to install a fixed restroom that's connected to a septic or sewer system? A licensed architect or engineer may submit plans; however, the pool contractor must be identified prior to commencement of construction. (Version 02/05/2020), This page provides the requirements for egress components for manufactured homes. Scheduling an appointment to get approval (this may happen in-office or on-site). Look Up Property Information. However, if you are applying for a use permit, the General Plan (Policy WR-2e) requires a hydrogeologic report for all discretionary applications located within Groundwater Availability, Located within the California Department of Food and Agriculture, CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing is the authority in charge of licensing cultivators and is responsible for implementing the Track-and-Trace System for plants from cultivation to sale. Property Setbacks (mixed light in agricultural and resource zones): 100 feet from property lines, 300 feet from residences and businesses on adjacent properties. They will then sign the Implementation Verification form that is required for the permit close-out of your project. Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management, Sanitation Division. Which begs the question of the Construction Waste requirement is not on the official checklist at the time of permit submission, do you have to comply with it? Please provide an explanation for any checklist item not completed or met. A non-fee permit may be granted to food facility operators claiming veterans exemptions. Dataset. Reduce project delays and save time on code research. Any outdoor lighting site that requires and supports an electrical hookup, including scoreboards and field lighting. It is important to determine your temporary food facility type and understand the operational requirements before submitting your site plan designs. Lake Sonoma), all Regional Parks, Community Parks and Neighborhood Parks as defined in the Sonoma County 2020 General Plan and 2020 General Plan EIR, and Class I Bikeways as defined in the Sonoma County 2020 General Plan. As of the writing of this article, the checklist has not been corrected. You'll be ineligible for most financial support without proof of final inspection. All of the items on the checklist must be addressed in the application submittal in some way. For example, a 10 acre site zoned LIA could accommodate a maximum of 10,000 square feet of Mixed Light cultivation or a maximum of 43,560 square feet of Outdoor cultivation. A person proposing to construct a public pool shall submit plans shall submit legible plans and specifications to County of Sonoma, Environmental Health before any worked is completed. Scheduling regular inspections throughout construction to verify you follow submitted plans. If you attempt to use one of the permit types below to apply for the incorrect permit types, your application may be delayed or voided. You avoid missteps that even the most experienced contractor, let alone the novice homeowner, may trip over. How many times would you like this to recur? The Permit & Resource Management Department manages land development and construction permissions and reviews and inspection of plans. (PDF: 189kB) (Revised 10/10/2018), To check the condition of conductor insulation using a minimum 500v DC megohmmeter. The specific requirements for temporary and permanent membrane structures can be downloaded, It depends. Can I get a permit to install solar panels in advance of applying for a cannabis use, at a size that meets the projected demand for my cannabis use? Fire Sprinkler and Alarm and Hazardous Material Permits. Registering for Permits Online and Uploading Documents, 9-4-5 Stock Plans for Swimming Pools, Water Tanks, Accessory Structures , Sanitation Sewer Service and Connection Fees , Link Your Online Account to Your Permits . Responsible and proper construction management at the job site is essential for the protection of stormwater quality. (including this payment) *, 2022 CalGreen Code EV Charging Requirements, The 2016 CalGreen Residential Requirements Summary, Architects 6 Reasons You Should Hire a CalGreen Specialist, How to Hire a Commissioning Agent in California, Santa Rosa CalGreen the 2019 Checklists, CalGreen What to Show on Your Permit Plans, CalGreen and VOCs A Lawsuit Waiting to Happen, 2022 CalGreen Tier 1 and 2 EV Requirements, Copyright 2023, CalGreen Energy Services. (Code, 26-88-254, subd. BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST FOR THE COUNTY OF SONOMA STARTING YOUR REBUILD RIGHT. Cultivation is capped at 1 acre per operator County-wide. No. Building permits and plan review fees can include the following. Please use the customized checklists listed below to document compliance with CALGreen. Written approval is required when a project involves food-handling establishments, public swimming pools, wells and projects served by septic systems. To learn how to use the PRMD online permit application process, see their informative video: For more information on the PRMD permit process, visit their website here: Virtually any land development or construction that takes place in the unincorporated area of Sonoma County (outside the nine incorporated cities) is reviewed, permitted, and inspected by Permit Sonoma. A five percent tech fee gets assessed for permits. Because this online permitting portal is not yet configured for Planning e-submittals, the submittal process will take place by email. Cultivation of cannabis is not considered a qualifying agricultural use, but limited cannabis cultivation may be allowed as a compatible use on contracted lands. Facebook; Powered by Ive received a Courtesy Notice from Permit Sonoma requesting a site inspection. Apply for permits electronically below. endstream endobj 1031 0 obj <>/Metadata 68 0 R/Outlines 139 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 1026 0 R/StructTreeRoot 145 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 1032 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1033 0 obj <>stream (Revised 01/11/2006), This form is used to request the waiver of a building site evaluation under Permit Sonoma Policy No. (PDF: 466kB) (Revised 01/21/2022), There are five approved retaining wall designs. For example, if Operator A applies for two zoning permits for two separate 2,500 square foot Mixed Light operations on Parcel A, such application would be denied; however, in this scenario Operator A could obtain one use permit to cultivate 5,000 square feet on Parcel A. Post the self-inspection checklist on the food facility at a location visible to the public. %%EOF In other words, if a single operator holds multiple cultivation permits on multiple parcels, the total County-wide cultivation area for that operator cannot exceed one acre. What should I do? There are a number of changes to the format and documentation requirements. View additional instructions and forms related to: This page provides the requirements for the construction and placement of handrails for stairways and ramps in residential construction. This is measured from the cultivation area to the actual residential or business structure. A sanitation sewer construction permit is required for work associated with or related to connecting to a public sanitary sewer system. Otherwise, if you are certain you know which permit type to apply for, select the appropriate option below: This permit is not for wells. These permits can take 6-9 months to process depending upon the completeness of the application and staff workloads. Go to the Planning Permissions product on DoNotPay. These complexities lead to misinterpretations that can end up costing your project time and money. For purposes of interpreting the Cannabis Ordinance, Parks include State Parks (e.g., Sugarloaf Ridge State Park), Federal Recreation Areas (e.g. (Revised 07/30/2019, Reviewed 01/2020), Special Inspection Agencies approved to perform services in unincorporated Sonoma County in the following categories: Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed/Post-tensioned Concrete, Structural Masonry, Structural Steel Welding/Bolting, Spray-Applied Fireproofing Tests Only, Unreinforced Masonry Push/Torque(Version: 12/17/2021), This form is used to request an appeal to the Board of Building Appeals of a determination by an authorized Sonoma County official related to the application and interpretation of the building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, housing, and related model codes. For example, Operator A may obtain use permits for 10,000 square feet of Outdoor cultivation on one parcel in an agricultural area, 22,000 square feet of Indoor cultivation in an industrial area in the South County, and 11,560 square feet of Mixed Light cultivation in an industrial area in the North County, for a total County-wide cultivation area of 43,560 square feet or one acre. Information on cultivation licensing requirements and how to apply for a license can be found, It depends. Take note, planning permissions do not always have to be permanent structures. Step 3: Day of the Event Requirements. Napa County Public Information Call Center: 707 . You need to supply the cost of the project. Get a permit in Sonoma County, CA with our permit expediter service. Subscribe to SoCo Correspondent email newsletter. If the pool/spas permit ownership or management is changing, please email an updated application to The applicant's user name and email address must be linked with the permit record(s). Please contact us at You may apply for a reduction in the park setback if a physical separation exists between the operation and the adjacent park, and the operation is not visible or accessible from the adjacent park. Most sites will be classified as Exposure C. Exposure D shall be used close to the coast and Exposure B may be used with justification. There are state-mandated CBSC and SMIP fees. They may be used in lieu of a retaining wall designed by an engineer or architect. (PDF: 452kB) (Version 01/05/2020), For building permit applications received on or after January 1, 2020. Submittal Checklist: Residential Fire Rebuild Checklist (PDF) Submittal Checklist: Residential Window Replacement (PDF) . Yes, electrical power for indoor cultivation and mixed light operations (and drying) including but not limited to illumination, heating, cooling, and ventilation, shall be provided by any combination of the following: (i) on-grid power with 100% renewable source; (ii) on-site zero net energy renewable source; or (iii) purchase of carbon offsets of any portion of power not from renewable sources. No. A single operator may obtain multiple cultivation permitson different parcelswithin the County provided the total square footage of all permitted cultivation does not exceed one acre County-wide. Permits & certificates. Upon completion, obtain the county's final approval. Who should I contact? Cannabis cultivation permit applications can be found here: You save money. Permit Sonoma bases permit issuance on compliance with the County Code. For example, a kettle corn vendor who sets up a booth at two farmers markets held at the same time, on the same day, would require two permits. It depends. iwhM~9b*U%HAxR!nrDpoK*NWgc>-;L Zj#as Or4&+`_&AQeGTTe,!^Rq6Q&TBL9`;*S(8/ (PDF: 421kB) (Version 01/21/2022), This form is used to provide a template for applicants to summarize all proposed plumbing, electrical, and mechanical equipment. Tags 2017 2019 2020 building building permits and 10 more. You need to supply the cost of the project. Allowed zones: LIA, LEA, DA, AR, RR, TP, RRD. I submitted a complete Penalty Relief application to the County; will my penalty relief expire before the County has not made a determination on whether to issue a permit? Note these are the initial permit application fees. We have brought this to the attention of PRMD and they told us this was an editing error and would be corrected. In such instance, the operator could obtain a single use permit for 3,000 square feet of Indoor cultivation, 10,000 square feet of Mixed Light cultivation, and 30,560 square feet of Outdoor cultivation. How do I apply for a cannabis cultivation license with the State? The charge will be either 75 percent of total permit charges or whenever the Egress or Life/Safey's is expected. A written violation notice may be issued if areas of non-compliance are found. 2. Effective October 4, 2022, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a moratorium for new water supply wells. (PDF: 567kB) (Version 04/27/2020), The Schedule of Special Inspections for Residential Properties summarizes the special inspections and tests required. However, for flowering plant operations (i.e., Outdoor, Mixed Light, and Indoor), a 25% additional area for propagation to support onsite cultivation may be requested with a use permit. Can I get a permit for a cannabis delivery service? (PDF) (Version: 01/25/2020), This document summarizes waterway setback information from assorted sections of the Sonoma County Code (SCC). The intent of the CalGreen Checklist has always been to demonstrate to the plan reviewers that the design professional has addressed the code requirements. This may mean hiring an engineer or architect who can adhere to building and zoning codes for extensive projects. In addition, there is a limit of nine centralized processing facilities on agricultural land with a use permit (discretionary use permit). If an identifiable boundary is present, then walkways and other work-spaces within a cultivation area can be subtracted from the canopy measurement used for evaluating compliance with permitted cultivation area and for taxation thereof, regardless of cultivation type (indoor, mixed light, or outdoor). Selling or renting even portions of the structure is going to be a hard sell.