A warning means weather conditions pose a threat to life or property. The latest New York Times figures show the death toll in St. John the Baptist parish stands as 108 in every 100,000 people - more than fives times the rate across the state of Louisiana (24 in . North winds around 5 mph, becoming southwest around 5 mph in the afternoon. Professor Rex Nettleford, OM OCC was born on . 15045 River Road Source: Iowa State University - Department of Agronomy, National Weather Service. Nationwide It will automatically update every 15 minutes. St. Charles Parish, LA Home Menu. From evacuations to neighborhood boil orders, this will be a critical tool to keep people informed and safe when it matters the most, said Parish President Matthew Jewell. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, River Parishes Workforce Development Board, St. Charles Museum and Historical Association, Rabies Vaccinations, Microchipping and Low Cost Services, St. Charles Parish Mortgage Assistance Program, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Notice of Nondiscrimination & Accommodations. 302 Below is an overview of emergency classifications and responses undertaken by the parish in the event of a qualifying emergency. DebrisTech to assist St. Charles Parish residents with Private Property Debris Removal beginning May 23. Dry, warm conditions for portions of the Southern Plains into Sunday. Recreation Forecasts The new platform features multiple contact methods, two-way communication and updated weather alerts. Our area could see up to 1 inch of rainfall with locally higher amounts. Alert Center Alert Center allows you to view all alerts and emergencies in your area. The Hon. Snow and wind will continue for the northeast today as this system slides off the coast this evening. Louisiana Housing Corporation: resources for rental housing, home ownership, weatherization and energy assistance. LINKS Forecast Discussion Hotline: 888-388-4673, Louisiana Dept. Charles Parish, Weather, Climate, Temperature, Precipitation, Rainfall, Snow, Heating Degree Days, Cooling Degree Days, HDD, CDD. All NOAA, Current Hazards When you text to sign up, you will receive all alerts. US Dept of Commerce St. Charles Parish is under a Marginal Risk (Level 1 of 5) for severe weather today. Registration is easy. Sunday Night Partly cloudy. Mostly clear in the evening, then becoming mostly cloudy. Fort Polk, LA (POE) Standard Radar, Forecasts (WVUE) - Two men from Brooklyn, New York were arrested last week for flying a drone over three chemical plants in St. Charles Parish, according to information provided by the sheriffs office. Activity Planner The current weather report for Saint Charles Parish LA, as of 9:15 AM CST, has a sky condition of Fog And Mist with the visibility of 6.00 miles. Intro to NNY360. Updated daily from May 1 through Sept. 30. Please try another search. The St. Charles Parish Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management will work directly with other agencies to deliver the necessary notifications. November 4, 2022: Tornado Outbreak in the ArkLaTex. Take immediate action. Ensure your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning properly. 15045 River Road Below are some tips to stay weather-safe during a freeze. People living on Schoolhouse Road . for 365 days. This is the most severe of the emergency classifications, and protective actions for large numbers of people would be necessary. "The St. Charles Parish Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management will work directly with other agencies to deliver the necessary notifications.Residents can choose how to receive the alerts and how often via the SCP Alerts website. Hon. Not as cool with highs in the upper 60s. Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Tropical Weather, Current Weather To sign up for the new system, called SCP Alerts, residents can text SCPALERTS to 888777 or enroll at scpemergencyalerts.com. "There was water coming in because the rain was coming in sideways so all the water was coming in downstairs. On the day of the arrest, the sheriffs office said that they received a call about the drone and found the two men parked on the side of the road on LA 3142 in a black Kia Sportage. Monthly Digital Service. Outlooks This storm tracker contains data from 1851. The data is updated every month. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Mr. Shearer was appointed Prime Minister of Jamaica upon the death of Sir Donald Sangster in 1967. Some limited protective actions may be implemented and additional assistance requested from the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Rt. Questions? Clear. Sales Tax Collections; Financial Statements (Audits) Annual Budgets; Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Grants. Chance of rain 20 percent. SCP Alerts is powered by Everbridge, the worldwide leader in Critical Event Management and unified emergency communications. February 24, 2023. This system enables us to provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons and evacuations . Residents can email permit requests to permits@stcharlesgov.netwith the following information: Permits are NOT needed for drywall, flooring, gutting, fencing, less than 10% of shingles. 15045 River Road COOP Observer Info Survivors should be aware of con artists and criminals trying to take advantage of them, posing as phony property inspectors or phony building contractors. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, River Parishes Workforce Development Board, St. Charles Museum and Historical Association, Rabies Vaccinations, Microchipping and Low Cost Services, St. Charles Parish Mortgage Assistance Program, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Notice of Nondiscrimination & Accommodations, Mississippi River (average of 134 vessels per day), Classification of emergency action levels, Warning system, sirens, TV, emergency broadcasting system. Lows in the mid 40s. Tropical Depression A tropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained surface wind is 38 mph or less. The data is updated every month.St. Emergency Alerts SCP Alerts helps keep residents, businesses and visitors better prepared and able to respond more quickly and confidently to critical incidents. Call South Central Planning for permit inspections at 985-655-1070. Exposed pipes should be wrapped with insulation, towels, newspaper or old clothing and shielded from the wind with plyboard, felt roofing, plastic or cardboard. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. According to state statute 102.1(c), it is simple cruelty to not provide proper shelter. Box 94005, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9005. Published: Sep. 7, 2021 at 8:38 PM PDT. Parish tax bills are sent out in the latter part of each year and are due by Dec. 31. National Multiple locations were found. Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. Flash flood conditions are possible within the designated watch area-be alert. A watch is used when the risk of a hazardous weather or hydrologic event has increased significantly, but its occurrence, location or timing is still uncertain. If there are alerts or emergencies, they will be listed below by category. ), Out of state survivors to call Louisiana 2-1-1: 800-755-5175, Louisiana Temporary Sheltering Program: 844-268-0301 (TTY service (844-458-1806) or visit IdaShelteringLA.com, Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling Program: 1-866-310-7977, Emergency Management Disability & Aging Coalition: 1-800-270-6185, Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance: 1-800-659-295, Operation Hope: Financial Disaster Recovery Resources. Sunday Mostly sunny. Mostly cloudy. An anomalous weather pattern will affect the Western U.S. this week and it features well-below normal temperatures with highs trending 5 to 15 degrees below average. Rivers and Lakes Local Hydrology Info SCP Alerts is designed to alert residents and visitors about various events, ranging from weather-related updates, and law enforcement emergencies to general announcements, such as messages from President Jewell. NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - A mother has been arrested as part of an ongoing investigation into a fatal hit-and-run that occurred around 1 a.m. on Jan. 14 on the Hale Boggs Bridge in St. Charles. The sheriffs office said that deputies on the scene told the men to land their drone and retrieve it from the nearby levee. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. After the pair were arrested on Feb. 21, the sheriffs office says that detectives determined that they had flown the drone over three chemical plants by reviewing the devices flight plan. Read More >, Local Forecast OfficeMore Local Wx3 Day HistoryMobile WeatherHourly Weather Forecast, Zone Area Forecast for St. Charles Parish. Louisiana Office of Aging & Adult Services: helps connect individuals who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organizations. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. The situation is unresolved and should be monitored closely. Lows in the upper 60s. Laissez les bons temps rouler! An incident that does not affect the local or general population but has the potential to escalate to a more serious emergency. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Any questions or concerns may be directed to the St. Charles Parish Emergency Operations Center at (985) 783-5050 24 hours a day. Excessive Rainfall and Winter Weather Forecasts, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Hotline: 888-454-2001. Event Cancellations 0 Alerts There are currently no alerts for this category. Permits are NOT needed for drywall, flooring, gutting, fencing, less than 10% of shingles. Lows in the mid 60s. St. Charles Parish, LA Weather Alerts Current Weather Alerts St. Charles Parish, LA Weather Alerts History Until November 2005, data is limited to the following events -. Residents can choose how to receive the alerts and how often via the SCP Alerts website. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Louisiana State Police announce new tool for collecting public feedback and employee interactions, LWFC Adopts Resolution Asking EPA to Expedite Consideration of Feral Hog Toxicant Testing and Registration, Cassidy Discusses Urgent Need to Save Social Security, Avoid Automatic 24% Benefit Cut with Maria Bartiromo. NEW ORLEANS . Protective actions would be implemented and emergency preparedness assistance would be necessary. St. Charles Parish launched a new emergency alert system to keep residents informed on the latest natural disaster, severe weather, or local emergency. Mason shot 6 for 12 (1 for 5 . The system will "warn motorists of queues ahead on I-10 from LA 77 to LA . Data Central; . SCP Alerts is powered by Everbridge, the worldwide leader in Critical Event Management and unified emergency communications. $2.99. Local Research Hotline: 225-342-5900. CHARLES PARISH, La. St. Charles Parish, United States - Weather Forecasts | Maps | News - Yahoo Weather St. Charles Parish United States Change location 3/1, 2:47 PM Partly Cloudy 85 71 83 Powered. . *, This is the weather that will show up when you use the My Weather Link, Hourly St Charles Parish Weather Forecast, Abbreviated St Charles Parish Weather Forecast, 6 Day/Night St Charles Parish Weather Forecast, 14 Day St Charles Parish Weather Forecast. Hahnville, LA 70057, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. NWS The barometric pressure is 29.93 - measured by inch of mercury units - and is rising since its last observation. THE MISSISSIPPI SCHEME. CONTENTS. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. He was a trade unionist and president of the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union. Lows in the upper 50s. As storms strike, this interactive map is your guide to impacts and damage reports coming into National Weather Service stations nationwide. Weather Prediction Center forecasts the probability that rainfall will exceed flash flood guidance within 25 miles of a point. Hahnville, LA 70057, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. Keep your pets inside with you and your family. Strong rotation in a thunderstorm is indicated by radar or a tornado has been sighted by spotters. By international agreement, 'Tropical Cyclone' is the general term for all cyclone circulations originating over tropical waters, classified by form and intensity as follows: PO Box They also said they are working with the FBI to recover information. Simply text SCPALERTS to 888777 or enroll atscpemergencyalerts.com. Damaging winds, hail and tornadoes are . Scroll and click the links below for updates on Hurricane Ida recovery. Messages will be sent to residents via their preferred communication cell phone, SMS (text), home phone, email and more to ensure real-time access to potentially lifesaving information. . February 24, 2023. Governor's Office of Disability Affairs: education and resources for survivors with access and functional needs. Nearly every home and structure in St. Charles Parish was touched by Ida's heavy winds and rain. East winds 5 to 10 mph. Weather conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms, hail, gusty winds and tornadoes in and close to the watch area. An incident that is out of the ordinary but does not present a current threat to persons or property even in the immediate vicinity. woman accused of using aunts debit card for 136 DoorDash orders held on preset $18 million bond, Juvenile injured after homemade pipe bomb detonated, police say. An emergency which has affected or will affect large portions of the parish population. Also expected will be locally heavy rain, showers, heavy mountain snow and gusty winds. Tornado Info Bids & Proposals Contact Employment Employee Portal SCP Report It. * Current local time will be within 15 minutes. Please Contact Us. Water soil thoroughly (except around succulents). Permit Inspection Information Weather Watches and Warnings; Winter Weather; Local Emergency Planning Committee; Finance. All NOAA, Two winter storms are impacting the country, one across the northeast corridor and the other approaching the west coast. Please select one of the following: Sunny. Local Data/Records Thieves also may try to steal money or your personal information through fraud by directing you to apply on their website. All emergency resources would be activated, and assistance would be requested from federal, state and local parish emergency response agencies as necessary. Take necessary action immediately to protect oneself from bodily harm. Graphical Forecasts PO Box St. Charles Parish Breaks Ground on Hydraulic Bottlenck Project in Destrehan Post Date: February 28, 2023 2:04 PM St. Charles Parish President Matthew Jewell, Council Members and Parish Officials broke ground today, Tuesday, February 28, on a project to eliminate a hydraulic bottleneck near Destrehan Pump Station No. St. Charles Parish launched a new emergency alert system to keep residents informed on the latest natural disaster, severe weather, or local emergency. FEMAs website is www.DisasterAssistance.gov. After verification, Animal Control is dispatched. Current data typically are recorded at 15- to 60-minute intervals. Weather Calendar August 22, 2022: EF-1 Tornado in Winona, TX. These governing bodies include . Bed sheets, drop cloths, blankets and plastic sheets make suitable coverings for plants. The data is updated every month. Or fax your complaint to: 225-326-6499. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WDSU-TV. weather st pete florida; milling a slide at home; Related articles; boobs nipples sex videos; mercedes om617 crate engine. The Air Quality Index (AQI) translates air quality data into numbers and colors that help people understand when to take action to protect their health. St. Charles Parish launched a new emergency alert system to keep residents informed on the latest natural disaster, severe weather, or local emergency.To sign up for the new system, called SCP Alerts, residents can text SCPALERTS to 888777 or enroll at scpemergencyalerts.com.According to parish president Matthew Jewell, the new platform will be "a critical tool to keep people informed and safe when it matters the most. When signing up online, you can customize your alert preferences. The 2022 Hurricane Season runs from June 1 November 30, and all residents should be prepared and weather aware. Highs in the lower 70s. To sign. Please try another search. This classification would be used in situations where a limited number of people have been affected or a much larger number could possibly be affected. National Hazard Statistics Saatva Mattress Review: Our Pick for the Best Overall Bed of 2023, We Found 12 Cute Planters and Flower Pots That Cost Less Than $25, Here's Where to Watch and Stream Marvel's 'Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' Online. Search site. Sign up for SCP Alerts by texting SCPAlerts to 888777 for updates regarding weather events and other emergencies in St. Charles Parish. Please include the headline. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. A slight chance of showers in the morning, then a chance of showers in the afternoon. Remove the coverings when temperatures rise. Highs in the lower 80s. Socialserve: Assists displaced households in finding new housing. Tweet; Share. ST. LOUIS, Mo. General Safety Tips Shreveport, LA5655 Hollywood Ave.Shreveport, LA 71109318-631-3669Comments? An advisory is issued when a hazardous weather or hydrologic event is occurring, imminent or likely. for 30 days. The St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office is responsible for sending tax bills and collecting taxes based on the assessments and millage rates. A watch means that hazardous weather is possible. The drone was. NWS WeatherWX.com (originally FindLocalWeather.com) has provided weather warnings services since 2004.St Charles Parish, LA weather warnings 2023 WeatherWX.com, Current local time is 12:32 PM Sat Mar 04 2023 and there are no active weather warnings, alerts or advisories for St Charles Parish, Louisiana. Internal Revenue Service (IRS): information and resources regarding disaster tax relief for survivors. Data shows the location and intensity of drought across the country. Hugh Shearer ON, OJ PC, well-known politician, was born in Martha Brae, Trelawny on May 18, 1923. People in the path of the storm need to take protective action. May 24, 2022: Tornado Northeast of Detroit, TX. DOTD received an $8 million bid for the Queue Warning System project on I-10 between Grosse Tete and the I-10/I-110 split. . However, the suspects place the drone in a bag and refused to show the drone to officers and answer questions. St. Charles Parish. Parish Council Meeting Preview for February 27, 2023. Tropical Storm A tropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained surface wind ranges from 39 mph to 73 mph. In St. Charles Parish, officials say a possible tornado struck in the area of Schoolhouse Road in Killona, killing a 56-year-old woman and injuring seven others. Parish social media . Storm Event Database, Weather Safety Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Hotline: 225-342-5900. It is intended to provide enough lead time so those who need to set their plans in motion can do so. This data is updated every 5 minutes. 2, marking an important . of Health State Registrar and Vital Records: replacement of birth/death/ marriage certificates and other vital documents. Small Craft Cautionary Statements St. Charles Parish will open a temporary shelter at the Edward A. Dufresne Community Center on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. Learn More Let's Take Care of Business When we shop, eat, and do business locally in the parish, we are not only helping our neighbors and friends who own businesses, but we are directly affecting our sales tax revenues and our economy. Deputy Medical Director, St. Charles Parish Hospital EMS Representing: American College of Emergency Physicians ian Roberts, MD Emergency Department Medical Director Terrebonne General Medical Center Representing: American College of Emergency Physicians Latest Newsletters Sign Up For Our Newsletter Fraud Prevention National Weather Service Highs in the lower 80s. No pet should be left outside for extended periods of time in below-freezing weather. See a list of all of the Official Weather Advisories, Warnings, and Severe Weather Alerts for St. Charles, MO. Residents needing a safe shelter for the storm's duration. The meter box cover must be kept in place with the lid closed to keep meters from freezing. Following the arrest, Dorogobid told investigators that he and Avetisyan had hidden a drone in a field. A warning is issued when a hazardous weather or hydrologic event is occurring, imminent or likely. A heater should be placed at least 3-5 feet from combustible objects and flammable materials, such as blankets. Partly sunny. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. County-level monthly precipitation and temperature data since 1895 provieded by National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Contact the Louisiana Attorney General Consumer Protection Section, P.O. $143.88. Hahnville, LA 70057, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People and Government. National The New Orleans Police Department has arrested a man accused of throwing smoke and airsoft grenades and firing a gun into a tent with people inside. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, River Parishes Workforce Development Board, St. Charles Museum and Historical Association, Rabies Vaccinations, Microchipping and Low Cost Services, St. Charles Parish Mortgage Assistance Program, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Notice of Nondiscrimination & Accommodations, https://www.ldi.la.gov/subscriptions/email-notification-request, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZKByxLRQJ4, https://www.ldi.la.gov/onlineservices/ProducerAdjusterSearch/, https://www.ldi.la.gov/industry/regulatory-forms/data-call-results, https://www.ldi.la.gov/consumers/senior-health-shiip, https://www.ldi.la.gov/consumers/resources-publications/consumer-publications, Officials Urge Residents to Have a Plan for the 2022 Hurricane Season, St. Charles Parish Approved for PPDR Program, Declaration of State of Emergency - Tropical Storm Ida, Executive Order Regarding Hurricane Ida Mandatory Evacuation. Residents must bring outdoor dogs inside or must have a raised house with hay and an external heat source. Climate Prediction Sheriff Charles R. Guillory and the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is seeking information on criminal . Permits are needed for roofs, framing, A/C, electrical, gas, plumbing, accessory buildings, patios, demolition, registration of RV to occupy during home repairs. According to police, Jaime . Wireless Emergency Alerts, Additional Info The next storm approaching the west will bring additional heavy snow for higher elevations and gusty winds. They say a new interactive weather station will not only help parish officials with response, but help residents in . A hurricane watcher's guide to the latest track and model forecasts. St. Mary Parish; Vermilion Parish . Highs in the mid 50s. Hotline: 225-342-9500. Watch Now . Florida and other areas in the United States on the interactive weather alerts page. Arrests and News Releases South winds 5 to 10 mph. North winds 5 to 10 mph. The parish said residents should prepare homes and neighborhoods by securing outdoor furniture, decorations and garbage. Multiple locations were found. PO Box According to parish president Matthew Jewell, the new platform will be "a critical tool to keep people informed and safe when it matters the most.". Service Finder. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Fire Departments; Public Schools; Public Library; Hospital; Sheriff's Office; Tourism. On the day of the arrest, the sheriff's office said that they received a call about the drone and found the two men parked on the side of the road on LA 3142 in a black Kia Sportage. Valley Standard Radar (standard), All 2023Tornado Events in the Four State Region, All 2022Tornado Events in the Four State Region, December 13, 2022: Tornadoes in East Texas & Northern Louisiana, November 29, 2022: EF-3 Tornado in Caldwell Parish, LA, November 4, 2022: Tornado Outbreak in the ArkLaTex, August 22, 2022: EF-1 Tornado in Winona, TX, May 24, 2022: Tornado Northeast of Detroit, TX, May 22, 2022: Brief Tornado Near Hosston, LA, May 5, 2022: Three Tornadoes in Rusk & Panola Counties, April 12-13, 2022: Multiple Tornadoes on April 12th and April 13th, , 2022: Tornado Between Dubach, LA, and Downsville, LA, March 30, 2022: Multiple QLCS Tornadoes in East Texas and North Louisiana, March 21-22, 2022: Multiple Strong Tornadoes in East Texas, January 9, 2022: Tornadoes in Sabine Parish, All 2021Tornado Events in the Four State Region, November 11, 2021: Four Brief Tornadoes in East Texas and Northwest Louisiana, June 8, 2021: Tornadoes in Tyler, Rusk, and Reklaw, June 7, 2021: Brief Tornado West of Calion, AR, May 20, 2021: Brief Tornado in Angelina County, TX, May 2, 2021: Two Tornadoes in Northeast & North Central Louisiana, April 9, 2021: Widespread Hail and Wind Damage Across the Four State Region, April 7, 2021: Tornadoes in Northwest and Northeast Louisiana, March 30, 2021: Brief Tornado in Union Parish, March 27, 2021: Tornadoes Across East Texas and Northwest Louisiana, March 17, 2021: Tornado at Lake D;Arbonne State Park, February 28, 2021: Brief Tornado in Caddo Parish, February 8-20, 2021: Arctic Outbreak and Multiple Snow/Ice Events, All 2020Tornado Events in the Four State Region, May 25, 2020: Brief Tornadoes in Northeast Texas and Southwest Arkansas & A Waterspout on Toledo Bend, May 16, 2020: Numerous Weak Tornadoes Impact the ArkLaTex, April 28, 2020: Tornadoes in McCurtain County, OK, April 22, 2020: BriefTornado in Red River County, April 12, 2020: Tornadoes in East Texas & North Louisiana, January 10-11, 2020: Tornadoes & Severe Weather in the Four State Area, All 2019Tornado Events in the Four State Region, December 16, 2019: Tornado from Northeast of Bossier City to West of Homer, November 26, 2019: Tornado in Claiborne Parish, October 20-21, 2019: Tornadoes in East Texas, Northwest Louisiana, and Southwest Arkansas, June 19, 2019: Tornadoes in Southeast Oklahoma, East Texas, and Northwest Louisiana, May 29, 2019: Tornadoes Near Lake Fork and East of Winnsboro, TX, May 18-19, 2019: Tornado in Smith County and Natchitoches Parish, May 8, 2019: Tornadoes & Straight-Line Winds Across the Four State Region, May 2, 2019: Tornadoes in Shelby County and De Soto Parish, April 24-25, 2019: Tornadoes in Deep East Texas & Northern Louisiana (including the Ruston Tornado), April 13, 2019: Tornadoes in East Texas(including the Alto Tornadoes), March 9, 2019: Tornadoes in Caddo, Bossier, and Webster Parishes, December 1, 2018: Tornado South of Hope, AR, November 5, 2018: Tornadoes in Northwest Louisiana, October 31, 2018: Tornadoes in East Texas and North Central Louisiana, October 13, 2018: Tornado in Panola County, TX, April 13-14, 2018: Tornado Outbreak, including the Shreveport-Princeton Tornado, April 5, 2018: Tornadoes Near Coushatta & Melrose, LA, January 21: First Severe Weather of the Year, December 19, 2017: Severe Weather & Heavy Rainfall, May 28, 2017: Tornadoes and Widespread Wind Damage in Texas and Louisiana, May 11, 2017: Tornadoes in East Texas & Northwest Louisiana, April 2, 2017: Severe Weather and Flooding in East Texas and Louisiana, March 24, 2017: Tornadoes in East Texas and North Louisiana, January 21, 2017: Tornadoes and Hail in the Four State Region, April 29-30, 2016: Tornadoes and Flooding, March 9-11, 2016: Historic Flash Flooding, December 27, 2015: Tornadoes in the ArkLaTex, December 12-13, 2015: Tornadoes and Damaging Winds Across the Four State Area, May 10-11, 2015: Tornadoes and Flooding in the ArkLaTex, April 24, 2015: Tornadoes in Northeast Texas and North Central Louisiana, April 13, 2015: EF2 Tornado in Titus County, TX, April 9, 2015: Tornadoes Confirmed in East Texas Near Mixon, Longview, and Hallsville, October 13, 2014: Tornadoes and Damaging Winds, September 2, 2014: EF1 Tornado Northeast of Mansfield, LA, April 27-28, 2014: EF2 Tornado Between Hosston and Plain Dealing, LA, April 13, 2014: EF0 Tornado Near Pittsburg, TX, May 16, 2013: Tornadoes in East Texas and Northwest Louisiana, February 21, 2013: Tornadoes in Deep East Texas and Western Louisiana, February 18, 2013: Severe Thunderstorms and Tornadoes, January 12, 2013: EF1 Tornado in Northwest Louisiana, November 11, 2012: EF0 Tornado in Caddo & Bossier Parishes, October 15, 2012: Webster Parish Explosion, September 29-30, 2012: Heavy Rainfall & Flash Flooding, June 12, 2012: Damaging Winds Near Homer, LA, March 19-21, 2012: Flooding and Tornadoes, January 25, 2012: Severe Weather Tornadoes, and Heavy Rain, Summer of 2011: Heat, Drought, and Wildfires, May 25, 2011: Severe Weather in Northern Louisiana, April 4, 2011: Severe Weather and Tornadoes, March 8, 2011: Tornado in Clarksville, TX, November 29, 2010: EF4 Tornado in Central Louisiana, October 24, 2010: Multiple Tornadoes in Northeast Texas, April 23-24, 2010: Tornadoes in East Texas and Southwest Arkansas, February 23, 2010: Winter Weather in East Texas, February 11-12, 2010: Winter Storms Affect the Four State Region, January 20, 2010: Tornado Outbreak Across East Texas and Western Louisiana, December 23rd: Tornado OutbreakAcross Northeast Texas (Longview, TX Tornado), October 28th-29th: Heavy Rain and Severe Weather, February 10th: Smith and Wood County Tornado, December 9th: Tornadoes in Northern Louisiana, May 2nd: Rusk and Panola County Tornadoes, January 12th: Tornadoes in Claiborne Parish and Union County, May 7th: Tornadoes in East Texas and Louisiana, April 3, 1999: Easter Tornado Outbreak (Benton Tornado), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, January 2, 2023: Multiple Tornadoes Across Northwest and Northeast Louisiana, January 18, 2023: Two Tornadoes in Southern Arkansas, January 10, 2021: Snow Across the ArkLaTex - Coming Soon, April 24, 2020:Very Large Hail in Northeast Texas & Northwest Louisiana (Coming Soon).